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  • Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect

Reading time: 5 minutes

When I first started my self-improvement journey...

One word kept being repeated over and over again:


At the time, I was still obsessed with video games.

And I didn’t know what to do.

I tried to be disciplined.

But I failed.

Many, many, many times.

I saw life as a battle.

A battle between my dopamine addiction and my ambition.

There was never a victor.

So consistency was impossible.

But now...

I’m laser-focussed on my goal.

I don’t even think about video games anymore.

(except for when i’m writing this, of course, haha)

People admire me for my consistency.

Discipline feels effortless to me.

What changed?

I stopped seeing life as a battle.

You see, life works in funny ways.

Most of the time, it’s all about perception.

If you see life as a battle, it becomes a battle.

I started to see life as a GAME.

And it became one.

For this to make sense, you’ll have to understand one thing:

Reality is NOT a physical game.

Most people on X get this wrong.

They think if they take enough action...

(through discipline)

They will achieve their desired outcome.

But it’s not about physical action.

Reality is a MENTAL game.

There are 3 planes in our reality that we call life:

  • Physical plane

  • Mental plane

  • Spiritual plane

Let’s leave the spiritual plane out for this one.

The mental plane is the CAUSE.

The physical plane is the EFFECT.

You can’t change the effect to change the effect.

Imagine a person who binge eats whenever they feel sad, trying to lose weight by jogging an hour every day.

First change the CAUSE before you can get an EFFECT.

You must first change the mental plane before you can change the physical plane.

‘’The mirror doesn’t smile before you do.’’

If you’re not rich on the mental plane, you won’t be rich on the physical plane.

You can take physical action...

But it’s only a matter of time before your mind falls back into the same old patterns.

I was stuck in this cycle for 3 years.

Working hard to achieve my goals.

And then self-sabotaging and destroying all of the progress I’d made.

I finally got out of this cycle.


With the be, do, have framework:

‘’I will be (mental attitude), then if I do (action), I will have (desired reality).’’

Frequency first, action after.

I stopped chasing the goals.

I started chasing the identity that could easily achieve my goals.

So how do you become ‘’HIM’’?

You’ll need 4 things.

(1) Skills

The identity that could easily achieve your goals NEEDS to have certain skills.

If you’re a content creator like me, those skills are:

  • Writing

  • Speaking

  • Marketing

  • Sales

A graduation certificate won’t make you rich.

These skills will.

Even if you’re not a content creator, these skills are essential.

Humans are social creatures.

If you master the social aspects, you’ll be golden.

You also need expertise.

But that comes by following your curiosity.

Pick something that you really like and are naturally good at.

With those 4 skills, you can monetize almost ANY passion.

And you’ll be able to scale it more easily.

(2) Characteristics

This is an essential part of your desired identity.

Even if you fully master the 4 skills above...

If you can’t show up on time or keep procrastinating, you won’t be successful.

The characteristics that you need are:

  • Discipline (it’s really all about self control)

  • Emotional control (reasoning)

  • Consistency (no days off)

  • Focus (no distractions)

  • Commitment (pick one thing and stick to it)

  • Patience (delayed gratification)

Once you develop all of these...

You’ll be unstoppable.

These characteristics develop together.

You don’t completely master one and then move onto the next.

You build them all at once.

Try to find one characteristic that, once developed, helps the others follow.

For me, that was focus.

I’ve written a whole newsletter about focus 2 weeks ago, so I won’t go in-depth here.

You can read it later if you’re interested ;)

(3) Beliefs

Remember when I said that if you think that life is a battle, it becomes a battle?

This has everything to do with your beliefs.

YOU make the rules.

Anything you’ve accepted as truth in your reality...

Is nothing more than an idea pretending to be a truth.

A simple shift in that idea leads to a shift in reality.

‘’There is no truth except what the subconscious mind accepts as true.’’

Do you think that you CAN’T do it?

Then you’re right.

Do you think that you CAN do it?

Then you’re right.

Do you think that life is a battle?

It becomes a battle.

Do you think that life is a game?

It becomes a game.

What you believe IS the truth.

Make sure your beliefs lead to your desired reality.

That’s how you can make the rules.

Believe that you are becoming good at the 4 skills.

Believe that you are developing the 6 characteristics.

Take action accordingly.

(4) Paradigms

The last thing you need is the right paradigms.

What’s that?

Think of it as your worldview.

From the moment you were born, you adopted the worldviews from those around you.

If your parents always struggled to pay the bills...

You might believe that money is hard to come by.

If your parents were wealthy...

You might believe that money is abundant.

School also plays a huge role.

From the moment you’re in school, you’re punished for making mistakes.

So you believe that making mistakes is bad.

But in real life, making mistakes is essential for growth.

In the past, there was no escape from these worldviews.

But now, thanks to the internet...

You can adopt the worldviews of hyper-successful people.

See how they view the world.

Look for people online with similar problems and desires as you have.

See if something clicks.

If it does, consume all of their content.

See their beliefs as TRUTH.


If you’re trying to achieve your goals...

And struggling with consistency and discipline...

(or to let go of the things that are bad for you)

Stop trying to force action.

You can’t change the effect by changing the effect.

See life as a game.

Level up your character.


Focus on building the identity, rather than chasing the goals.

Focus on the 4 points mentioned above.

Improve each of them a bit every day.

Fall in love with the process.

And soon, my friend...

The results will start to show.

Never lose your focus.

Especially when things get tough.

Much love,
