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  • Change Your Life In 7 Steps

Change Your Life In 7 Steps

Reading time: 5 minutes

You want to change your life.

You watch motivational content on YouTube to gain clarity.

You begin implementing positive daily habits.

After a while, you feel lost and don’t know what to do.

Eventually, the noise of the outside world becomes too loud.

You feel overwhelmed and drained of energy.

You feel like you deserve some rest.

You allow yourself to ‘relax’ by doing the same bad habits you wanted to quit.

After a while, you are back to where you started…

If the previous story sounds familiar, this newsletter will be for you.

When I started my self-improvement journey around 2 years ago, I felt like a lost soul.

I was addicted to video games, weed, social media, and all of the things that comes with it.

Quarantine surely didn’t help with that. I felt like I was dependent on all of it.

I was addicted to cheap dopamine.

I didn’t even find joy in all of the degenerate stuff anymore.

I felt depressed and lifeless.

A little hope in a sea of distraction

Scrolling through social media, I found motivational content.

I felt like it was the universe talking to me.

So I decided to turn my life around. (easier said than done)

I kept implementing good habits, but I always found myself going back to my addictions.

I found a monk mode video, so I decided to try that.

I did a 3 week monk mode for about 4 times.

I tried to do it for longer than 3 weeks, but I was unable to.

Whenever I was nearing the 3 week mark, I was exhausted, overwhelmed.

I literally couldn’t get myself to meditate, journal or exercise everyday anymore.

So I forced myself to at least do all of this until the 3 weeks were over.

But when my monk mode ended, all of my bad habits instantly jumped back again.

It was getting more and more difficult to force myself into a new monk mode each time.

The No-Go Monk Mode

Alright, enough about me.

In this next section I will tell you how you can break this never ending cycle of getting nowhere.

It worked for me. I hope it will work for you as well.

It is a concept I came up with called the ‘’No-Go Monk Mode’’

Here is how it works…

Step 1: Set out a time frame.

I suggest a long one, like 100 days.

Why? Because it takes on average 66 days for a repeated daily action to become a habit.

More on this later.

It is called the No-Go monk mode because you will only focus on the things that you will NOT do for these 100 days.

This will keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

This will also allow you to focus on the things that truly matters.

Step 2: Say no to things that don’t matter

Remove all of the bad habits that will not serve you reaching your goal.

For example:

  •  Video games

  •  Drugs or alcohol

  •  Social media

  •  Netflix

  •  Fapping

  •  Parties

I also suggest to make a different YouTube account. And only allow yourself to watch videos that will help you improve.

This way you will not get distracted by cheap dopamine videos.

Step 3: Do nothing

Wait what?

Yes, do nothing…

When is the last time you were truly bored?

Most people pick up their phones whenever they get bored.

Or start to do something to occupy themselves immediately.

But, its usually whenever you are bored when you are getting the greatest ideas.

So, sit down and stare at the wall.

Ideas on how you can use your time to improve yourself will eventually flood your mind.

Step 4: Write down your ideas

Whenever you get an idea, write it down.

Writing truly is a superpower.

It helps with:

  • Clarity and organization

  • Creativity boost

  • Goal achievement

  • Enhanced problem-solving

  • Memory aid

If you think you will remember your idea, you wont.

Write it down.

Step 5: Make a goal out of it

What result could you expect to see when you commit to this idea for a year?

What would possible for you to achieve in a month?

What weekly system would you be able to make out of it?

What daily habit would help achieve this goal?

Really think about whether you are able to repeat that action daily for the rest of the No-Go Monk Mode.

Step 6: Take action

This is where shit gets real.

Now is the time to repeat your newly discovered habit daily for the rest of your No-Go Monk Mode.

Your feelings don’t matter with this.

Once you have made a commitment, stay consistent no matter how you feel.

Step 7: Progressive overload

After a day or two, you might want to consider adding another good habit to your arsenal.

The point is to progressive overload the good habits into your life.

Whenever you add the 3rd or 4th habit and you are starting to feel overwhelmed. Wait before adding the next good habit until you feel comfortable doing the previous ones.

You could also choose to remove the 4th one for example.

The habits should be listed as priorities. 1 is the highest priority, then 2, then 3 etc.

Sometimes adding the 4th habit comes after 66 days. Because that’s how long it takes on average to make a habit out of the first 3.

Do this at your own pace.

For a habit to form it doesn’t matter how long you perform that habit. So you can also choose to start small.

The 3 best habits to start with are:

  • Exercise

  • Meditating

  • Working

You can start with 30 push-ups, 3 minutes meditating and 15 minutes of work every day.

If you feel like you are able to do more without feeling too overwhelmed, be my guest.

If you DO start to feel overwhelmed, here are some tips:

  •  Go on a long walk

  • Pick up a book and read

  •  Lay down on the ground and just sit with your thoughts

When you reach day 50, there is a big chance that you will have achieved something by pursuing something meaningful.

This is when you will get that good dopamine hit.

When I reached the 50 day mark, I wasn’t even interested in cheap dopamine anymore.

But you can only experience this feeling if you say no to cheap pleasure for long enough.

To summarize all of this

For 100 days:

  1. Remove all distractions.

  2. Say no to the things that don’t matter.

  3. Allow yourself to get bored.

  4. Write down ideas on how you can improve your life.

  5. Make goals out of the ideas.

  6. Repeat the action daily until it becomes a habit.

  7. Progressive overload your habits.

I didn’t went into much detail about goal-setting in this newsletter.

That is what the next one will be about.

If you have any questions about this feel free to send me a DM on X :)

Until Saturday my friend,
