
Reading time: 5 minutes

If there is one thing you need to achieve your goals, its this:


And I don’t mean just being able to read for 30 minutes.

I don’t even mean being able to work 4 hours without distractions.

I mean pure laser focus.

All in on one goal.

Blocking out ALL distractions.

You see...

Focus is about removing ANYTHING that prevents focus.

Not doing the bad habits isn’t enough.

You need to remove:

  • Limiting belief systems

  • Toxic people

  • Sedatives

  • Stimulants

We’ll go over each of these later in this newsletter.

But for now, you might be thinking:

‘’Well, that’s difficult.’’

In fact, its the easiest way possible.

When you’re obsessed about a goal, leaving no space to think about anything else...

Discipline becomes easier.

It uses flow instead of force.

I’ve never been a disciplined person.

But with laser focus, working on the right things seems effortless to me.

I used to think that laser focus came instantly if you just put your mind to it.

But that was far from the truth.

It look 9 months of trial and error to achieve it.

I’ll show you in 5 steps how you can do the same.

(Step 1) Identifying Your Biggest Pain

Whether you like it or not...

Pain is always a better motivator for action than pleasure.

Alex Hormozi gave the following example:

‘’Point a gun at someones head and they will do whatever it is they need to do.’’

When I wasn’t on X, chasing my dreams,

I was a slave to cheap dopamine.

My life wasn’t just stagnant...

It was regressing.

  • Meaningful relationships started to crumble

  • My health got worse by the day

  • Money was nowhere to be seen

I literally had the though:

‘’Doing this for the next 10 years means the end of my life.’’

  • Stuck in my job forever

  • Unhealthy and depressed

  • Alone

It was uncomfortable for sure.

But it got me out of my own mental trap.

(Step 2) Finding a Solution

While I agree that money doesn’t solve all your problems.

It certainly does solve all your money problems.

Getting more money would allow me to quit my job.

Giving me more freedom

It would also mean I’d have more time and money to spend on things like my health and relationships.

While it’s not the end goal...

I figured that $10k per month would be a good start.

If you’ve done this right, this will be your ‘’why’’.

You will come back to it time and time again.

Especially when things get tough.

(Step 3) Set a Goal

Now that you’ve found a solution to your biggest pain, make a clear goal from it.

We’ll use the ‘’SMART’’ framework:

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Acceptable

  • Realistic

  • Time bound

My goal is:

‘’In 6 months, I will have hit 10K in a month by creating products and offering 1:1 coaching to help people with similar problems that I have solved for myself.’’

Is it specific?

Yes, because I’m saying exactly what I’ll do to achieve it.

Is it measurable?

Yes, because I can see the $10k in my bank account.

Is it acceptable?

Yes, both parties benefit in the end.

Is it realistic?

Its ambitious, but if others can do it, so can I.

(you know what they say: reach for the stars and you’ll land on the moon)

Is it time-bound?

Yes, I’ve set a specific timeframe to achieve it.

(Step 4) Removing Behaviors

As I said earlier...

It’s not just about sacrificing bad habits.

It’s about removing ANYTHING that prevents laser focus on your goal:

  • Limiting belief systems

  • Toxic people

  • Sedatives

  • Stimulants

Limiting beliefs:

To be successful, you need to develop the skills and characteristics necessary to achieve your goals.

Telling yourself you’re already are ‘’HIM’’ doesn’t work.

That’s only false belief.

But you should belief that you are BECOMING the person who could easily achieve your goals.

That all of the time and effort you invest in developing these skills and characteristics will eventually grow you into a completely new person.

This way, you remove all limiting beliefs.

Toxic people:

I am mostly talking about friends here.

Because it can sometimes be impossible to remove all toxic people from you life instantly.

One question to ask yourself:

‘’Do I feel energized after seeing them, or do I feel drained?’’

This usually gives you a clear idea if they’re the right people for you.

Another thing to watch for is whether they complain a lot.

Complaining is both contagious and addictive.

Be aware of that.

Also, observe if they’re optimistic about life.

Pessimists are rarely good to be around.


This includes anything that slows you down.

Weed, for example.

For a long time, I convinced myself that smoking weed was essential for rest.

I really believed it, because it actually felt that way.

My mind was always working on overtime.

Weed brought me temporary relief.

Distracting myself with video games or Netflix.

But in the end, it only dimmed my inner flame.

The real solution was finding something meaningful to channel that energy into—something that truly aligned with my goals.

Alcohol is another sedative.

If you go out to party...

You will only be working at 40% of your full capacity the next day.

And 60% the day after that.

And 80% the day after that.

It takes three days to get back to full capacity.

Not worth it.


These are all the things that give you an instant dopamine hit.

  • Scrolling short-form content

  • Video games

  • Netflix

  • Junk food

As many of you probably already know...

They have to go.

I used to fall for the trap of seeing them as ‘’rest’’.

But true rest means clearing and recharging your mind.

Not disturbing it further.

As described in my previous newsletter, indefinite sacrifice is key.

Make an agreement with yourself to avoid these stimulants (and sedatives) until you’ve achieved your goal.

All that’s left is to stick to the plan and take action.

(Step 5) Keep Journaling

To maintain clarity and momentum, journaling is essential.

It’s one of the 3 S-tier habits.

Alongside walking and writing.

As you probably know from your own experience:

Clarity, thoughts, and feelings are fleeting.

The only thing that can help you stay grounded in tough times is a plan.

You WILL have doubts.

You WILL have fears.

You WILL feel lost.

But a plan alone isn’t enough.

Its easy to lose sight of it or let go of it.

You need DAILY self-reflection to call out the tricks that your mind plays.

Journaling helps with that.

It’s also great for reminding yourself of your priorities.

It will also make you aware of what you learned each day.

When you write it down, you remember it.

Making you grow a bit every day.

If this doesn’t motivate you to start journaling...

I don’t know what will.

I’ve created a 20-minute daily journaling routine that will cover much more benefits than I’ve mentioned here.

If you’re interested, send me a DM, and I’ll gladly help you!

Much love,
