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  • How to know what you want

How to know what you want

Reading time: 5 minutes


You don’t actually know what you want to do in life.

Even if you think you do.

You might have found something that you’re really exited about.

But eventually the excitement wears off and something else will seem like a better option.

The truth is...

Nothing is perfect.

Everything has it’s pros and cons.

You probably know the saying: Grass is greener on the other side.

It is true for business as well.

If you keep having shiny object syndrome by hopping from business model to business model, you’ll never give yourself the chance to achieve real success.

I made a misstake.

I stayed on the same business model, but I kept changing my offer.

This way, I didn’t build any authority because I didn’t keep talking about the same thing.

You have to pick one thing and stick to it.

(Even when you aren’t sure if that’s what you want)


Passion builds over time.

In order to truly know what you want to do in life, you’ll have to transcend certain layers.

It is like a pyramid where every layer builds on top of the other.

Each one builds on a strong foundation of the previous ones.

If you don’t have the bottom layers figured out...

There is no point in looking further.

Layer 1: Biological imperatives

These are the absolute essentials to keep you alive.

This layer consists of:

  • Food

  • Water

  • Shelter

A homeless person doesn’t think about his life’s mission.

The only thing he things about is getting off the street and having food in his belly.

It will be a waste of time and energy for him to focus on anything else.

Layer 2: Health

If you don’t have your health in order...

What are you even doing?

Don’t focus on anything else if you aren’t even healthy.

‘’In this life, all you really have is a body and a brain.’’

Your health is the most important thing you have.

It consists of:

  • Diet

  • Sleep

  • Exercise


Look at your hand.

I’m serious, do it.

Every cell on your body has grown from the food that you’ve been eating throughout your life.

You literally become what you eat.

Do you think it’s a wise idea to keep eating junk food?

Of course not.

  • Eat whole foods (non processed foods)

  • Don’t consume sugar

  • Don’t drink alcohol

  • Eat variated

These things should be obvious.


‘’Growth happens during rest.’’

Look at a bodybuilder for example.

If he trains 24/7 without rest of without sleep, he would overtrain himself.

If he doesn’t give his muscles the chance to heal and grow, he would lose them all.

The same thing goes for work.

You have to give your brain enough amounts of rest by getting 8 hours of sleep.

If you only sleep for 6 hours, your brain won’t work at it’s full capacity the next day.

Sleep should be your number 1 priority.


Your body is meant to move.

Humans aren’t build to sit all day.

‘’If you don’t use it you lose it.’’

Let your blood circulate through your body like how it’s meant.

  • Lift

  • Sweat

  • Increase your heart rate

Even if it’s just for 30 min a day.

Layer 3: Relationships

Humans are social animals.

We need healthy relationships in order for us not to go insane.

This could be just one person.

Having someone in your corner you know you can rely on is an absolute essential.

This could be your:

  • Mom

  • Dad

  • Sibling

  • Best friend

You are not some sigma male.

Stop pretending like one.

It’s silly.

Layer 4: Freedom

Here is where things get interesting.

These last 2 layers are traps.

If you aren’t aware of this, you will never figure out what you want to do in life.

90% on people on X say they want freedom.

  • Location freedom

  • Financial freedom

  • Time freedom.

Who doesn’t, right?

But is freedom really all that you want?

The truth of the matter is...

You can’t know until you get it.

I don’t have this freedom myself, but I’ve studied a lot of creators and entrepreneurs who have.

Some of them still aren’t happy.

Take take their sorrow body and mind with them to another location.

They go to Bali to fullfill their sense of location freedom.

It makes them happy for a short period, but soon their unhappy selves return.

What do they do?

They move again to another location.

Repeating the process.

Your desire for freedom is really the desire for control.

You don’t actually have to go to all different types of places.

Having the option to do so is enough.

Layer 5: Status

This one goes hand in hand with the previous layer.

Traveling around the world and sharing it all on instagram is mostly about status.

We all have a desire for it.

It’s in our nature.

Jordan Peterson explains it best with his top-lobster analogy.

Although a lot of people say:

‘’Don’t compare yourself to others.’’

It’s extremely difficult if not impossible to do so.

Our brain is wired to do so.

Our status is based on our comparison with other people.

We do it all the time.

Not only with people on X, but with everyone around us.

If we think we are better than the people around us, our level of serotonin rises.

Making us feel proud and happy.

If we think we are worse, our level of serotonin drops.

Making us feel depressed.

Having more money than someone means that you are more competent in that realm of human achievement.

This manifests in:

  • Cars

  • Houses

  • Woman

  • Watches

  • Etc.

If you keep flexing your competence to other people by showing off expensive things, you’ll always be trapped.

(Making you unable to discover your life’s purpose)

Your desire for status is really a desire for power.

By flexing your wealth, you’ll only increase your status. (perceived power)

But not your actual power.


So how do you actually discover what you want in life?

By resisting your urges towards freedom and status.

The urges will never go away.

It’s wired into our brains.

But you are able to channel the energy you get from those urges.

‘’Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It can only be transferred.’’

Meaning that if you resist the desires for freedom and status, you can channel that into your work.

Making you able to achieve success beyond imagination.

Once again, I myself haven’t achieved this kind of success.

But many people before me did.

And because of all the information out there, we are able to study the greats:

  • Napoleon

  • Gengis Khan

  • Ceasar

  • Alexander the Great

They didn’t use their wealth to travel the world and flex on other people.

They kept conquering.

And so should you.


Most of the information I got for this newsletter was from Charlie Morgan.

I truly believe that he is one of the greatest up and coming content creators out there.

He already helped me so much on this entrepreneurial journey.

I highly recommend giving him a look.

Much love,
