Life is simple

Reading time: 3 minutes

Life is not difficult

It’s easy.

You only perceive it as difficult.

You think that to reach your goals, it requires:

  • Hard work

  • Strain

  • Stress

  • Exhaustion

But those things are not true.

We often focus too much on the collective steps needed to achieve our goals.

Life is much simpler than you might think.

To succeed, you really need 3 things:

  • Commitment

  • Consistency

  • Patience

Focus on the present moment.

What can you do TODAY to get closer to your goals?

Usually, that means you just have to do the thing.

Let’s break those 3 things down:


Commitment is really all about focus.

Once you say yes to something, you have to say no to everything else.

You can only be committed to something once your ‘why’ is strong enough.

A big house or a nice car isn’t a strong enough why because the unconventional path is going to suck.

Life is suffering; you can’t escape that.

So choose what you are going to suffer for.

My ‘why’ is all about freedom.

I want to be where I want to be and do what I love to do.

Your 'why' is something you'll have to discover on your own.

When you think you've found a strong 'why,' write it down.

Adjust it as often as necessary.


Ask any successful person how they got rich, and they’ll likely say that it’s all about consistency.

Show up day after day.

Improving just 1% every day means you'll be 37 times better in exactly one year, thanks to compounding.

This principle works both for you and against you.

Implement a good habit and improve 1% a day; you might not notice immediate results, but in a year, you'll be significantly better.

But if you start a bad habit and decline 1% a day, you'll be near zero by year's end.

So once you have committed yourself to something, come back to it day after day.

So, once you've committed, return to it daily, regardless of how you feel.

In tough times, revisit your 'why.'

See how vital a strong foundation is?


Now, here's something you might not want to hear:

It takes, on average, about 7 years for someone to become a millionaire.

That's 7 years of self-improvement.

If anyone says otherwise, they're likely trying to sell you something.

Thus, you MUST enjoy what you do and the journey of constant improvement.

Don't think, "My life would be better if..."

Make the most of your life right now.

Once you start to love your current situation, you'll allow it to change.

Remember, negative thoughts about change won't lead to positive growth.

So, don't dwell too much on the future.

Focus on how you can improve your life in the present.

I hope this newsletter brings some clarity.

I was a big overthinker myself.

I made my Twitter account in September but didn't start posting until late DecemSber because I was too focused on the future.

I felt overwhelmed thinking about all the steps I had to take to eventually become a millionaire.

In reality, all I needed to do was start posting and return to it day after day.

The path would then start to reveal itself.

Until next Saturday my friends.

- Tibor