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Personal Growth = Business Growth

Reading time: 6 minutes

Many people want to monetize on 𝕏.

But they go about it the wrong way.

They think:

What can I do to reach my goal?

The right question is:

What’s holding me back from monetizing?

This is how you actually make money.

Here’s what you need to understand:

Money is a value exchange.

To get money, you need to deliver value.

Value is created when pain is alleviated.

Pain is alleviated when problems are solved.

And the best way to solve a REAL problem is to start with yourself.

The harsh truth is:

You don’t have a business problem.

You have a personal problem that reflects on your business.

A failed business doesn’t exist.

Every business model works.

There are people who succeeded in every single one.

If the business fails, it’s because of YOU.

That’s why we shouldn’t focus on the goal.

We should focus on the identity.

Become the identity that can easily achieve your goal.

So what do you need to do to become that identity?

You need to improve 4 things:

  • Skills

  • Characteristics

  • Beliefs

  • Paradigm

The skills you need to build are:

  • Writing

  • Speaking

  • Marketing

  • Sales

The characteristics you need to develop are:

  • Discipline

  • Reasoning

  • Consistency

  • Focus

  • Commitment

  • Patience

Beliefs are all about mindset.

Don’t lie to yourself that you’re already great.

Instead, believe that you’re in the process of BECOMING great.

Paradigm is another word for worldview.

You can easily adopt that from hyper-successful people on the internet.

You NEED to optimize all 4 aspects.

Now, what can we do with this information?

Your job is to find the bottleneck.

What do you struggle with the most?

Try to find the root of it.

I always thought it was discipline and consistency for me.

But the root was focus.

I couldn’t keep my focus on the important things for more than 2 months.

That’s why I couldn’t stay consistent.

That’s why I wasn’t disciplined.

So how do you solve your biggest problem?

Make a project out of it.

This is how you eventually monetize.

The project consists of 7 phases:

1) Identification

Gaining clarity is always the first step.

The start is the most important part.

Look at the list above.

What is your BIGGEST problem?

Self-honesty is key here.

My journaling routine helped me a lot with this.

You can check it out here:

Your bottleneck could be a:

  • Skill

  • Characteristic

  • Limiting belief

  • Paradigm

Once you’ve identified it...

Move on to the next step.

2) Understanding

You can’t solve a problem if you don’t know what it is.

With your problem in mind...

Gain as much knowledge as possible about it.

You can learn from:

  • Books

  • Videos

  • Courses

Even mentors if you have the budget.

The fastest way to solve the problem is to get help from someone who already did.

It’s not necessary.

But it will drastically speed up the process.

Consume as much knowledge as possible about the problem you’re facing.

Once you do...

Move on to the next step.

3) Experimentation

This is where you implement everything you’ve learned.

Knowledge alone won’t do anything.

It’s knowledge combined with action that creates value.

Try different:

  • Strategies

  • Tactics

  • Methods

See what works for you.

Everyone is different.

What works for others might not work for you.

Even if you find something that works, keep trying new things.


There is always a better way.

Experimentation helps you find it.

Once you’ve tested everything you learned...

You can move on to the next step.

4) Systemization

Take the best working methods, strategies and tactics, and turn them into a system.

Focus on effectiveness and efficiency.

Pick the most effective things and turn them into habits.

These habits should be non-negotiable.

Be consistent.

The more you do it, the easier it’ll be.

You’ll improve both speed and quality.

This is the magic of efficiency.

If you do this for 30 days...

You’ll have an effective and efficient system.

Follow it for another 30 days, and your problem will be solved.

5) Offer formation

Once you’ve solved your problem...

You can build your offer.

Make a roadmap from having the problem to solving it.

Look at your journaling.

Notice crucial breakthroughs on your path to solving the problem.

You can see all of those breakthroughs as phases.

Each phase is essential to move to the next.

Every time you get that dopamine hit from gaining clarity, write it down.

That’s likely a breakthrough.

Stick to the essentials.

If something wasn’t necessary to get to the end result...

Cut it out.

Less is more.

6) Teaching

Once you got clarity on your own roadmap...

You can teach it to others.

You won’t have any proof that your offer works yet.

So help people for free or at an extremely low price.

(as long as you can overdeliver)

This phase is all about testing your offer.

Don’t try to earn.

Try to learn.

Find out what works and what doesn’t.

Write down all of the questions that people ask and the problems they face.

This will be your marketing goldmine later.


  • Proof

  • Data

  • Testimonials

Help at least 5-10 people for free or extremely cheap before increasing your price.

Constantly refine and improve your offer.

This prevents stress in the next phase.

7) Monetization

This is where you start making real money.

Avoid bad worth-of-mouth effect at all costs.

It can take years to build a reputation and seconds to destroy it.

Make sure you can deliver your promise.

That’s why you coached 5-10 people for free in the last phase.

Now you’re fully confident that you can overdeliver.

You’ve improved your:

  • Offer

  • Coaching skills

  • Confidence

And you’ve gathered testimonials.

Use those testimonials to get more clients.

If someone achieved great results because of you, turn them into a case study.

You can create a posts with this hook:

‘’I helped [Name] achieve [Result] through [Offer]. Here’s how we did it:’’

Create targeted content.

This will bring in more inbound leads.


With this roadmap, I can almost guarantee you’ll make your first dollar in the next 3-6 months.

After that, it’s just a matter of scaling.

Even if you don’t...

You’ve still solved your biggest problem.

Still not earning money after that?

There’s likely another bottleneck.

Keep finding them and improving them until you make money.

See your business as a system.

(because it is)

There are 3 main parts of the machine:

  • Acquisition

  • Conversion

  • Value delivery

If one part fails, the whole system fails.

You should be able to optimize all 3 parts once you’ve mastered the:

  • Skills

  • Characteristics

  • Beliefs

  • Paradigm

The key is self-honesty.

Honesty hurts.

It humbles you pretty quickly.

But as you know...

Discomfort = growth.

Much love,


PS: If you're stuck and need clarity, book a free call here—I’m happy to help: