- Tibor
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- Purpose
If you want absolute laser-focus...
You need a strong ‘’why’’.
Everyone knows this.
But few actually understand what a strong ‘’why’’ is.
Your goal isn’t enough.
Freedom isn’t enough either.
So what DO you need?
A deep sense of purpose.
What’s the driving force behind what you do?
Ask yourself:
What do I want out of life?
What do I want from my career?
How does what I’m doing now fit into that vision?
What COULD I be doing now?
Why is this important?
Your focus isn’t sustainable without purpose.
Consistent, long-term motivation has to come from within.
Purpose is usually found at the intersection of:
Your talents
Your passions
Your skills
Your deepest values
Here’s how to discover yours:
People say talent doesn’t exist.
But that’s not true.
I get where they’re coming from.
Hard work beats talent every time.
No amount of talent makes you beat the guy who mastered the basics.
But if two people work equally hard...
The one with more talent will win.
I believe that EVERYONE has certain talents.
Whether they realize it or not.
You also have an unfair advantage—
Something that feels natural to you, but doesn’t to others.
Most of the time, it’s right under your nose.
But because it feels ‘’normal’’ to you...
You don’t notice it.
Make it your mission to find it.
Start paying attention:
What compliments do you receive often from others?
What felt effortless to you?
What do you think others struggle with?
This is how you discover your talents.
Passions aren’t always obvious at first.
They grow over time.
Looking back, I’ve had four major passions:
Martial arts
Playing guitar
Video games
None of them felt like passions when I started.
When you’re new to something...
You will suck at it.
And it’s hard to feel passionate about something when you’re struggling.
But after 1000 hours...
Things changed.
That’s when things started to feel like second nature.
1000 hours is a long time.
I know.
What got me through it?
An external motivation.
For martial arts and video games...
It was competition.
For guitar...
It was validation from others.
For writing...
It was the promise of freedom.
These external motivations weren’t sustainable.
I quit multiple times.
But they kept pulling me back.
Eventually, intrinsic motivation took over.
That’s when those activities became true passions.
1000 hours is a big commitment.
If you’re unsure about what to pursue, don’t rush it.
Follow your curiosity.
And remember:
You don’t have to love something right away.
Enjoying it a little is enough to get started.
Skills can be trained.
Think about all the skills you’ve acquired.
Write them down.
Skills are like tools in a backpack.
Each one equips you to solve a different problem.
The more tools you have...
The more complicated problems you can tackle.
The skills you’ve already acquired are more valuable than you think.
Even if you’re not using them now...
They’ll serve you in the future.
Every skill pays dividends for life.
Learn a skill
Master it
Monetize it
And move onto the next.
The further you get in life, the more of those skills you’ll be able to use.
Some skills are especially valuable—
Evergreen skills.
These will always be in demand:
Master these, and you can monetize ANY passion.
Deepest values
Your values define what’s important to you.
Look at the list down below.
Pick your top 10 values.
Rank them from most to least important.
You will probably find more than just 10 that feel important.
But that’s the point.
You have to be selective.
This process forces you to prioritize.
That is how you truly discover your deepest values.
Values aren’t static.
They evolve as you do.
Revisit this exercise periodically to see what has changed.
Example values:
Adventure | Excellence |
Art | Wisdom |
Beauty | Family |
Clarity | Focus |
Community | Fun |
Communication | Freedom |
Connection | Gratitude |
Consciousness/Awareness | Health/Vigor/Energy |
Contribution/Impact | Honesty |
Courage/Bravery | Humor/Laughter |
Honor | Commitment |
Elegance/Simplicity | Independence |
Creativity | Joy |
Equality/Fairness | Justice |
Knowledge/Learning/Understanding | Kindness/Generosity |
Leadership | Love/Romance/Intimacy |
Modesty/Humility | Nature |
Optimism/Positivity/Hope | Passion/Enthusiasm |
Order | Open-mindedness/Perspective |
Personal Growth/Self-Actualization/Self-Help/Personal Development/Self-Improvement | Peace |
Peace of Mind/Tranquility/Calm | Playfulness/Spontaneity |
Productivity/Efficiency | Progress |
Professionalism | Purpose |
Respect | Strength |
Self-Control/Temperance | Self-Expression |
Significance | Spirituality |
Travel | Teamwork/Collaboration |
Trust | Uniqueness |
Society/Culture/State/Country | Truth/Reality |
Effort/Quality/Best work |
Purpose isn’t something you find.
It’s something you build.
Discover your talents, passions, skills, and values.
Look for connections between them.
Ask yourself:
What problems can I solve with my skills and talents?
What do I love doing?
What aligns with my values?
Your purpose is in the overlap.
Once you found it...
Take action.
Test it.
Start small.
Set goals aligned with your purpose.
Solve meaningful problems
Adjust as you go.
Purpose evolves with experience.
Much love,