- Tibor
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- Setting Goals
Setting Goals
Reading time: 4 minutes
Every person NEEDS goals
Humans are goal oriented.
You can’t live without goals.
Most people don’t realize this.
They blindly follow the goals that society forced upon them.
They go to school, get a job, and retire when they are 65.
By working a job, they are pursuing someone else’s goals.
You won’t live a fulfilling life this way.
But you can’t just abandon them without any goals to replace them.
Therefore, you need to create your own goals.
If you are reading this, chances are that you are already on the path to self-improvement.
If you are like me, you are striving for:
Financial freedom
Time freedom
Location freedom
Better mental health
Better physical health
Having meaning in your life
In most cases, working a regular job you hate will slow down your progress in all of these goals.
Most people tell me that it’s unrealistic to chase your dreams, but I disagree.
A dream, written down with a date next to it becomes a goal.
A goal, broken down into steps becomes a plan.
A plan, backed by action becomes a reality.
— Tibor (@ItsTibor)
5:15 PM • Feb 10, 2024
We will break this tweet down in 3 simple steps.
Step 1: Dream big and make a goal out of it
How would your ideal life look like?
What would you do for work?
How much money would you have?
How long would you work each day?
Where would you live?
What would you look like?
How would you feel?
Really take the time to get a clear picture for yourself. Write it down.
Now put a date next to it. Exactly today, 10 years from now.
Step 2: Break your goal down into steps
This is the tricky part.
I found that the easiest way to do this is to pick 5-10 mentors.
Look for people on the internet whose life you want.
Really study how they got where they are right now.
This will take some time, but it’s important that you do.
If you’ve done this right, you will have 5-10 paths laid out for you on how to achieve your goals.
Pick the one that resonates with you the most.
You can also combine different parts of different paths.
This doesn’t have to be perfect the first time.
The point here is to give you direction on what to do next.
I will guarantee you that your path will change, you are going to encounter a path more optimal for you.
But that will only happen if you start your journey with a general direction.

Step 3: Back your plan up with action to make it a reality
What daily habit could you implement that would allow you to get to the next step?
What weekly project could you create from it?
The single habit that helped me the most is a routine before bed.
The last hour before I plan to sleep, I turn my phone on airplane mode and avoid all screens.
I read for 30 minutes
I journal for 10-20 minutes
And I plan my next day
I list all of the important tasks I have to do first thing when I wake up.
On days that I’m free, I work for 4 hours
On days that I have work, I work for 1 hour
I also assign a time to it, usually 30 minutes, sometimes 60.
Then I prioritize my tasks.
The tasks with the highest priority are where I have to be the most creative and where there is no potential to be distracted.
The tasks decline in creative ability and increase in distraction potential.
Dan Koe thought me this in a video I watched, and it helped me a lot.
Completing 1-3 priority tasks in the first 4 hours of the day, every day, for years, aimed toward your ideal future, will get you far ahead of those working all day on scattered tasks to the point of burnout.
— DAN KOE (@thedankoe)
1:10 PM • Aug 6, 2023
Your goal, or someone else’s?
I want to end with some knowledge I've read about in the book Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland.
Great book, I truly recommend it.
In chapter 10, he talked about goals and doors.
A goal can be foreign, or it can be yours.
You can tell it’s a foreign goal if:
It makes you feel uneasy
It feels like an obligation
It’s punishing and coerced
It’s imposed upon you by others
It forces you to prove something to yourself and others
So, how do you know if a goal is truly yours?
By listening to your inner voice.
What is your heart drawn to?
What would make your life joyful and happy?
Having made a decision, be aware of how your inner voice responds.
The heart (or your soul) always knows exactly what it does NOT want.
If you experience a feeling of inspiration on the path to your goal, you know that you have chosen the door meant specifically for you.
Quick side note:
I want to end by telling you that you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Find a potential substitute.
Do not burn any bridges.
Whenever you HAVE to accomplish something, your mind will experience a lot of stress.
That way, it’s nearly impossible to listen to your still, inner voice.
Do not allow yourself to be influenced by others.
Trust yourself.
- Tibor