
Reading time: 4 min

Laser-focus can lead to 2 things:

  • Greatness

  • Burn-out

What separates the two?


It seems obvious, right?

But it’s much harder than it looks.

For me, it’s always been all or nothing.

I’ve had many interests throughout my life, but I always focused on just one at a time.


Because I’m addicted to improvement.

I wanted to improve as fast as possible.

But that doesn’t happen when you try to improve 2 things at once.

Video games were my biggest addiction.

They made progress highly visible.

But I realized they weren’t improving my life.

They where doing the opposite.

They opened the door to other cheap dopamine sources.

Like Netflix and festivals.

If I wanted to grow my business, I had to let them go.

Letting go wasn’t the hard part.

Staying away was.

I’d go all in on my business, but I couldn’t sustain it for long.

  • Tiredness

  • Doubts

  • Fears

  • Distractions

They all got the best of me when things got tough.

I’d repeat in my head:

‘’Being tired doesn’t exist.’’

‘’Discomfort = growth.’’

‘’It’s all mindset.’’

These helped me win most battles.

But I couldn’t keep winning forever.

Eventually, I burned out.

After years of trial and error, I finally found the solution.

This time feels different.


Because I no longer fight the same battles.

Even though I’ve 5x my workload.

What changed?

I made my work sustainable.

I stopped fighting my inner state.

I started listening to it.

I figure out what I needed, not just what I wanted.

Here is how you can do the same:

1) Systemize your life

I used to think systems weren’t for me.

I was always messy and never organized.

It didn’t bother me at all.

I avoided systems because I was tired of seeing creators on X talk about them.

Instead, I focused on whatever seemed important at the time.

It turns out...

I was wrong.

Your mind craves order and efficiency.

Especially if you’re naturally unorganized.

Systems create stability.

Acting from routine is much easier than relying on willpower.

Especially during tough times.

2) Figure out what you NEED

This isn’t just about your goals.

That’s only a third of the equation.

You are not just your conscious identity.

You’re a combination of mind, body, and soul.

Neglect one, and you’ll neglect them all.

Your mind might need a goals, but your body and soul need other things.

Don’t sacrifice them all for your ambitions.

Your body needs:

  • Training

  • Rest

  • Good food

Your soul needs:

  • Relationships

  • Purpose

  • Curiosity

I’ll sacrifice anything for my goals—

EXCEPT my non-negotiables.

They are:

  • Health

  • Relationships

  • Peace of mind

Find your own non-negotiables.

3) Set clear boundaries

It’s easy to prioritize one part of life over another.

For example:

My health is a non-negotiable.

Rest is a big part of your health, and quality sleep is essential.

But I still engage in activities before bed that activate my brian.

The result?

  • Trouble falling asleep.

  • Hectic dreams

  • Less than 8 hours of rest.

The next day, I’m less productive.

My creativity suffers because of it.

That’s why boundaries are critical.

4) Stay adaptable

Sometimes, life gets in the way.

You can’t always follow your systems perfectly.

Worrying about it only makes things worse.

It is what it is.

Do the things that you have to do another time.

If the problem persist, adjust your systems.

Your systems shouldn’t stay the same.

You should always be looking to optimize them—

Even if they work.

‘’But why change a winning concept?’’

There is always a better way.

Experimentation makes you find it.

Constant improvement is how you stand out.

5) Subtract, don’t add

Adding things to your life is easy.

Letting go is hard.

But adding too much creates overwhelm.

Keep your non-negotiables and responsibilities.

But EVERYTHING else has to go.

I used to think all-or-nothing caused burnout.

But it’s the opposite.

When you’re not juggling distractions...

It’s easier to stay focused.

There’s less friction.

Trying to find balance creates space for doubt and fear.

You will face more inner battles that way.

Don’t balance your life daily or weekly.

Find balance in your yearly cycle.

Use the first 3-6 months with intensity to build momentum.

Then use consistency to maintain it.

Recharge during the consistency phase so you’re ready for your next intensity phase.

That’s how you achieve exponential growth.


It’s inevitable to suffer for your goals.

The question is, do you want to suffer:

  • Short term

  • Long term

  • Forever (by quitting)

This is just a phase.

Laser-focus can drastically speed up the process.

But only if you avoid burnout.

Sustainability is the key to consistency.

And consistency keeps your momentum alive.

Do you WANT to give it your all?

But are you still experiencing burnout?

I might be able to help.

I’m testing my offer with a limited number of people—for FREE.

Send me a DM if you’re interested.

Much love,
